There are many opportunities to serve


There are so many opportunities to serve at Good Shepherd. Below is an overview, rather than an all-inclusive, list of service opportunities at GSLC. Check the list below for ways to get involved!

Hunger Ministries

Food Packaging Event

Every February, we host a huge food packaging event in cooperation with Outreach Ministries, preparing and donating thousands of meals to local food banks.

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During our annual food packaging event, our Teens at Good Shepherd (TAGS) fast to raise awareness around hunger and poverty and to raise money for ELCA World Hunger.

Cathedral in the Night

Yearly, the TAGS bring dinner for an outdoor worship and feeding ministry for people experiencing homelessness.

Community Harvest Farm

Our youth volunteer yearly at Community Harvest Farm, where all of the produce goes to Worcester food pantries.


This five-mile walk through Westborough is a community-wide event sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations to raise funds to fight hunger locally and globally. This event is particularly close to our confirmation students.

Kids’ Express

Several times a year, families from Good Shepherd travel to our sister congregation, Concordia (Worcester), to provide dinner for an after-hours children’s program.

Giving Ministries

Giving Tree

Each December, the Giving Tree appears in our lobby, filled with tags requesting an item for someone who would otherwise not receive a gift for Christmas. Agencies we’ve supported include: Florence House, Ascentria Care Alliance (both the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program and Service for New Americans) and Westborough Interfaith Giving. We purchase, sort, and deliver the gifts.

ELCA Good Gifts

Throughout the year, we collect offerings of lift up opportunities to support ELCA World Hunger through purchasing a Good Gift–a farm animal, school uniform, or microloan to alleviate hunger and poverty worldwide. Volunteers identify and organize these efforts.

God’s Work, Our Hands

Every September, Good Shepherd hosts a congregational service project to kick off our program year. In the past, this has included assembling blessing bags to give to those experiencing homelessness and collecting books for Liberian orphanage.

Serving Ministries

Jeremiah’s Inn

We serve meals at this residential ministry for adult men who are recovering from addiction.

Mission trips

Yearly, our high school youth go on a mission trip and work in service to a particular community for a full week.

Prayer Shawl

This group donates time, yarn, and talent for the creation of shawls that go to those needing a sign of God’s love.

Walking With Others Committee

This ministry team accompanies and assists refugee families who are new to Westborough.