Join us for this special service that begins our Lenten observance. Through the imposition of ashes, God reminds us of the fragility of our lives and of our need for repentance, a turning-around that reorients us towards God.
Good Shepherd offers two services: a drive-in service at 12 noon and a digital gathering on our Facebook page at 7pm.
This year, due to an abundance of caution around COVID and in agreement with guidance from within our denomination, the pastors will not be imposing ashes. Instead, they will invite you to impose ashes on yourself or others in your household during both services. Ashes will be provided at the drive-in service, and will also be included in Lent Kits that will be available for pick-up in the week leading up to Ash Wednesday. For more information, please email us in the church office or check our weekly newsletter for details.
Whether or not you can join us for Ash Wednesday, we encourage you to pick up a Lent Kit to help keep Lent holy at home this year. As with Advent, there will be two types of kits: one for households and one for children. Each household need only take one household kit; each child should take one children’s kit. (So a household of two adults and three children will take four total kits: one household kit and three children’s kits.)
These kits will be full of inspiration and invitation to engage in the traditional Lenten practices of prayer and deep reflection. For children, the kits will include craft activities inviting engagement on each week’s preaching texts. Our hope is that these kits will foster richer, deeper encounter with God in scripture throughout this holy season.