Music at Good Shepherd


If you are interested in music, there are ways to serve from ages 3 and up. Check the list below for ways to get involved!


Chancel Choir
Thursdays, 6:00-7:00pm rehearsal

This group rehearses weekly and leads worship at the 9:00 Sunday Service. They sing anthems and help to lead the liturgy in our worship.  Members of this choir also occasionally serve as cantors at the 7:45 service.


Gospel Ringers – Handbell Choir
Thursdays, 7:00-8:00pm rehearsal

We are blessed with a 4 octave set of Schulmerich Handbells.  We rehearse weekly, and play on special feast days and celebrations at the 9:00am service. We welcome new ringers!


New Direction Praise Team
Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30 rehearsal

This talented group leads our 11:00am Contemporary Service on Sunday mornings.

This group includes singers, guitars, (both electric and acoustic,) strings, and percussion, but if you play another instrument, we’ll find a way to fit you in!

Children and Youth Choirs

Sunday School Singers
Sundays 9:15

3 years old through 3rd grade

We learn songs in Sunday School openings that share the joy of God’s love, lead us to prayer, and reinforce Bible stories. We sing, play, and move in worship several times each year.


Grace Notes Choir
Sundays 9:15am

Pre-K and Kindergarten

We learn to use our voices as instruments, play percussion instruments, and move our bodies to music. We’ll begin to learn hymns and liturgy, and participate in worship 5 or 6 times during the year.   We rehearse in the Sunday School opening area Sunday mornings from 10:05-10:35.


Joyful Noise Choir

Sundays 10:15-10:40

1st grade (readers) – 4th grade

Come sing and play with us! We’ll be learning hymns, liturgy and anthems to help lead worship, and will play our Orff instruments (xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels.) We will sing in worship about once every 6 weeks.



Allegro Chimes
Sundays, 10:40-11:00

4th grade and up

This group is all about teamwork!  Bring a friend, and make new ones!  Learn to read music and join in the fun of playing Hand Chimes.  Serve God and the congregation by playing in church about once a month.


This group assists the singing at area nursing homes when our pastors are leading worship. We go to Beaumont in Westborough once a month, and occasionally to the Lutheran Health Care Center of Worcester and Westborough Health Care Center. These caring singers also provide wonderful support when we have a funeral at Good Shepherd.