The people of Good Shepherd extend you a warm welcome!
You are invited to join us for worship…
Sunday, March 9th, 2025
First Sunday in Lent
9:00am Service
online bulletin
11:00am Service
online bulletin
Live Stream – Join us for online 9:00am worship here!
View anytime on our YouTube channel.
We also broadcast live on Westborough TV – Verizon Channel 26 and Charter Channel 194.
Stay in the loop!
While we strive to keep the information on this page current, the best way to stay up-to-date is by reading our weekly e-news.
Weekly Worship

Sunday Worship
Program-Year Worship (September – May)
9am – Hymn-based with organist and choir
11am – Led by our worship band, New Directions
Summer Services – (June – August)
8:30 am – Hymn-based with organist/piano
10:15 am – Led by our worship band, New Directions
We love when children attend worship with their families! From September to May, we offer Sunday school programming during the 9am worship service, and a kids’ lesson and craft during the 11am worship service. These activities take place after the children’s message, when kids (from age 3 up to 6th grade) and Sunday school teachers head upstairs/to the fellowship hall for their time together.
- Sunday school starts with a large group gathering, with songs and an introduction to the theme and Bible lesson.
- Students then break out into classrooms by age for a deeper dive into the Bible lesson, a craft or activity, and maybe even a snack!
- Children who are in the 2nd-4th grade class or the Bible Adventures class (5th-6th grade) may choose to re-join worship for communion before returning to their classrooms to finish Sunday school.

Join us for worship even when you’re out of town – or check us out before visiting in person
Worship with us every Sunday from September through May at 9:00am, and every Sunday in June through August at 10:15am on our Facebook page. Watch anytime on our YouTube page!
(Click on “Calendar” above for exact dates/times!)
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